Perhaps some of you don’t know I co-wrote a book with popular fellow Boroughs author, M. Tasia. We had a lot of fun doing this and I do hope the result pleases you :)

What’s it about?

Simon Bridgeworth believes in loyalty, and keeping things in-house. When he discovers his best friend, who has been running the Canadian division of Simon’s tech empire, has been skimming millions from the company, Simon flies to Toronto to get to the bottom of the theft and learns his friend has been murdered. Devastated and at a loose end, Simon knows there’s no way the company’s problems can be kept under wraps now. Imagine his surprise when he learns the Mountie investigating the murder is the first repeat Simon has allowed himself in years.

Sergeant Nick Cooper is a proud member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He’s served his country in the military, and now he’s protecting the citizenry of Toronto. But devotion to duty is no longer enough. On a whim, Nick hooks up with Aristocrat69 on crUIzer, and what started as one night of incredible sex turns into an attraction neither man can ignore. When a grisly mob murder sends Nick to the Breakforce corporation, he is shocked to discover his lover is none other than its CEO. When Simon’s life is threatened, ethical lines blur as Nick does anything to keep him safe – no cost is too high for the man who has become Nick’s everything.

I also decided to do something a little different for this book. I’ve always wanted to create a comic book of my characters, perhaps for use as a teaser, to entice the reader into the story using a storyboard of images and a bit of snarky dialogue.

This is what it looks like. What do you think?  To view this in a proper comic format, then pop down to Tapas or use a comic reader like Comix, which is free.

Read Soul of Discretion | Tapas Web Comics

To get a copy of the book, click on the crUIzer logo or here – it’s available to buy across a number of platforms.

See what the reviewers have to say about Nick and Simon’s story…

Love Bytes Reviews

These men together were hot. Really. Sexy. Hot. I’m not big on sex scenes as a rule, but the ones in this book get a great big tick of approval. The chemistry between them was pretty intense. I loved that the big tough Mountie wasn’t shy about waving that ass in the air and Simon definitely wasn’t shy about demanding and taking what he wanted. And while pet names normally have me gritting my teeth in disgusted horror (I LOATHE CUTESY PET NAMES) I loved loved loved that Simon and Nick used their crUIzer handles as endearments. It was the perfect way for these guys, who were determined not to show any feelings, to have their own special name for each other without exposing their sappy sides.


A steamy connection with an intriguing story-line creates the basis for a wonderful story. I love these authors’ work, their writing style flows so beautifully and you as the reader fall into the story as it unfolds. The characters are well developed and the supporting cast had some great jewels. I just loved Peter and Steph!

Miss matched men

I may be a bit biased because I live in Canada and therefore I am a fan of the Mounties but also this book is a collaboration with one of my favorite authors Susan Mac Nicol. Of course it’s great. With a pedigree like that, this tale of two very mismatched people can’t be anything but terrific.

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One Comment

  1. M. Tasia June 29, 2023 at 1:04 pm - Reply

    Woohoo ♥️ ♥️

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